The Ego and Ego-Trips

What have you heard about EGO? Or EGO-TRIPS?

It’s so funny because I’ve always heard that The Ego is a “bad thing”.

It’s being selfish, EGOCENTRIC, EGOTISTICAL, EGOMANIACAL and self-centered.

When in reality, I’ve came to learn only later in life, that the EGO is nothing but the illusion of what we call ourselves.

  • Our names, attitudes, feelings, desires, appearance… what we and others think about ourselves, that’s never WHO WE REALLY ARE.

That’s just our EGO! An illusion!

  • What we really are cannot be described by words, names and adjectives and is much deeper, sublime, complex and infinite.

Now that’s also were the EGO TRIP and our problems starts.

The failure to realize that the Ego is not ourselves leads us to go on deep and senseless Ego Trips.

To cling to our “pride”, “love”, “rights”, “desires”.

To go on senseless battles to “prove that WE are right”.

To hurt and lose who we love and to enter in quests of EGOCENTRISM.

In the end the toughest thing is not being only aware of that.

But in fact act constantly inside to not let the outside move you.

And never let the FAKE EGO to get the best out of you.

Ivan Possamai - Explore - Learn - Share -

As seen on Quora:


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