Millions or Relationships, which makes people happier ?!

Original by Ivan Possamai (

In an Ideal World? I will say both. Of course!

However, generally and broadly speaking: Life happiness is usually directly correlated with the quality of RELATIONSHIPS that one has and nurtures.

  • Having millions and having nobody, cannot be described as being happy can it? Unless you are a loner and want to live only for yourself… which I can’t see that really working well.
  • Now being extremely poor but having a nurture and loving family / relationships / friends doesn’t look that bad, because you don’t feel like you are missing something. You feel that you already won the lotto in many senses. Despite financial hardships.

That being said, the examples above are on the extreme spectral of both sides (relationships vs millions).

However, Life is almost never that black and white!

Normally the majority of people lives in a mixed bag between having and having not, both in terms of relationships and money.

My personal opinion is that one is better off WITH BOTH in order to live satisfactory, well and happy.

(As an example: by having a paid house, cars, a small business and some investments you are already a millionaire! So I’m not talking nothing really fancy.)

I remember a quote from an entrepreneur once that stated:

“The beginnings of all evils starts with an empty wallet!”

That was almost 2 decades ago and the entrepreneur was a CEO from a Marketing Network company (Rex Maughan / Forever Living Products if I recall right), so it was biased to make people to act and sell.

Nevertheless, that statement deeply marked me as true as I was maturing and noticing more and more (in society) the damages that the Lack of Money brings to people and families:

  • Wives become disappointed and frustrated by men that can’t provide.
  • Men become frustrated and insecure by the lack of income and start doubting their own capacities.
  • Children don’t have, normally, the same quality of education and opportunities that money could afford.
  • Elders are deprived of better healthcare and lifesaving surgeries/assistance that otherwise could be bought.
  • Culture is extremely weakened as the youth normally starts working too early, in order to help at home and many drop school.
  • The social class disparity makes it harder to have basics as: home, cars, vacations, gadgets and even books… etc…

All the above are just a feel examples of what the lack of money can bring and those, contrastingly, make the quality and strength of families and relationships to suffer.

The Maslow’s pyramid of needs already showed that:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom [1]

As human beings we need at least the basics in order to survive, have opportunities to grow and evolve ourselves & our relationships.

It’s very hard to “be happy” and have “good relationships” when you:

  • Don’t have food in the table.
  • Don’t have a home or will be evicted.
  • Don’t have means of transportation.
  • Don’t have access to travelling, culture and education… etc…

Despite the fact that you don’t really need to have millions to enjoy all of that… truth is that, by having them, it definitely helps to mitigate most, if not all, of those.

Then you just need to work your upper part of the pyramid.

Always also remembering that: by “HAVING MILLIONS”, you are NEVER TRULLY guaranteed to have healthy relationships.

So it’s all really a balance!

In the end: work hard to earn your millions while nurturing your family, friends and acquaintances and you definitely should become… VERY VERY HAPPY!

Also in Quora:


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