
Showing posts from January, 2016


Benjamin Hardy 3 days ago 2 min read What Are You Good At? Do That MORE. Waiting inflates fear. Waiting  is  fear. The longer  you wait,  the more  gnawingly painful and paralyzingly complex it will  feel . Action dispels fear. When you start  moving: Your fearful  imaginations  (lies) go away. You see the world and your pursuits more  objectively . Your focus becomes directed on  the next step. You  take  that next step, thus illuminating the one after (and so on). Have you acted today? Have you done what you really love today? Or are you still waiting? Are you inputting or outputting? When you know what you like doing, or what you do well,  do it more. Improve your quality, yes. But also, improve your  quantity. If you like building, build  more  stuff. If you like writing, wri...

Advice For Failures. - Conselhos sobre falhar....

Advice For Failures. BY JON WESTENBERG Don’t Be Too Stubborn. I like stubborn people. I like people who are bullish on the things that they believe in, and don’t give up easy. Those are the people who build incredible things and shake age-old foundations. Those are the people who will drive us deeper into space and further into technology, who we’ll look back on as true legends. It’s tough to see where you should be stubborn and where you should admit defeat though. Because even the geniuses, the generals and the giants of our world have known that from time to time, admitting defeat is the right thing to do. If you can be honest with yourself and make that call, that it’s time to quit and it’s the right time to quit – you’ll be better equipped to take on your next project. Who knows. Your next shot could change the world. Walk Away. There is no shame in walking away from a project. Sometimes you can’t do much of anything else. When the chips are down, and you’re out o...

Ten questions to ask yourself today

Ten questions to ask yourself today by  Yann Girard What did I do today that felt right? What did I do today that gave me energy? What did I do today that I really enjoyed doing? What did I do today that made me happy? Who did I talk to today and then felt super energized? Who did I really enjoy being around today? And then ask yourself that one last question. Well, it’s actually two.. But before you read those last two questions, go back and read those questions again. And think about each question for a minute or so. Try to find real answers. And not just good answers. Take your time. It’s Friday night (in my timezone at least). No need to rush. Maybe take a glass of wine or grab a beer. Put on your comfy clothes and take your time. It’s no race. It’s your life. Done? Alright. Good.. Now the last two questions. What did I do today that sucked all the energy out of me? Who sucked all the energy out of me today? And once you’ve answered all of the a...



10 Ways to Copy How Celebrities Save Money - Como Poupar Dinheiro, Aprenda com as Celebridades e Bilionarios:

10 Ways to Copy How Celebrities Save Money Too often we read about people who spend money, lavishing millions on homes, cars, paintings and outrageously priced bottles of wine. Hardly a day passes without our reading about another celebrity shopping spree — Kim Kardashian and her mom dropping $100,000 on Hermes handbags, Britney Spears, after her parents separated, spending $5.4 million on an estate for her mom, or the former first lady of extravagance, Imelda Marcos, blowing half her Philippine nation’s GDP on her 3,000-plus shoe collection. Just as fascinating, however, is discovering how celebrities save money — in particular, how they amassed their fortunes in the first place. We want to know what precisely put them on the path toward riches and influenced their savings habits. For some, the savings experience might have been as simple as collecting their parents’ spare pennies and rolling them into little brown wrappers. Others may have started their fortunes by colle...

Always Believe You’re Good Enough. - Sempre Acredite Ser Bom/Boa O suficiente! Acredite em voce!!!

Photo Credit:  Christopher Campbell Always Believe You’re Good Enough. BY  JON WESTENBERG Everyone in the world is hoping for one thing. That nobody notices they don’t belong. Everyone in the world suffers from imposter syndrome sooner or later. I can guarantee you, no matter what stage you reach in your life, you’ll be desperately asking yourself how your peers are still ignorant to the fact that you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. You don’t believe you’re good enough, secretly. That’s what’s really going on here. You don’t believe you have what it takes. You’re an entrepreneur, a founder, a writer, an artist. But you think that you’re the odd one out, with no skills and no chance of getting anywhere. I know this, because I’ve been there too. And my mentors have been there. When I speak to people who are far more accomplished than you and I, they don’t hesitate to tell me – they’ve been there. The trick is, when you’re working on becomin...

The Reason You’re Unhappy Is Because You’re Lying - A RAZAO QUE VOCE ESTA INFELIZ = VOCE ESTA MENTINDO!!!

The Reason You’re Unhappy Is Because You’re Lying No matter how you twist it, when you feel unfulfilled, it’s because you aren’t doing something that you know you should be doing. Think about it. Are you lying about being in the perfect relationship, lying about how hard you’re working, lying about loving your current job? Be honest with yourself. Truly, no-bullshit, 120% honest…Now, what’s your answer? I have personally struggled with this. I gained 19 pounds over the course of my final semester of college. I took two courses I had no prior knowledge in (one being computer science — Jesus, take the wheel), wrote my 50 page senior dissertation, and worked two jobs, all while having a girlfriend (which could be considered a 4 unit higher division course) and wanting to have fun during my senior year. Needless to say, I stretched myself  way  too thin…and because of that, I became less thin. I’m not making excuses. Quite the opposite. I was bullshitting myself ...