The Oldest Known Melody (Hurrian Hymn no.6 - c.1400 B.C.)


The Oldest known musical melody performed by the very talented Michael Levy on the Lyre. This ancient musical fragment dates back to 1400 B.C.E. and was discovered in the 1950's in Ugarit, Syria. It was interpreted by Dr. Richard Dumbrill. He wrote a book entitled "The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East." Here is a link to it: Check out Michael Levy's website,! Here's a link to it: For more information on the Hurrian Hymn no.6 text, click on the link: There were 29 musical texts discovered in the ruins of Ugarit, but only text H6 was in good enough condition to allow for academic interpretation. Here is Dr. Dumbrill's interpretation: Thank you for listening! Subscribe for more music! Subscribe also to "Klezfiddle1," Michael Levy's YouTube channel! Download his albums from iTunes and order from!


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