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Blissipline is not something you can easily find on the internet as it’s not a formal word. But, Google it, and Urban Dictionary will gladly explain you the meaning of this not-yet-famous term, and give you the first hints of how important it may be in your life.
According to ColleteKenney on urbandicionary.com, Blissipline is “…the combination of Bliss and Discipline. The term is used in the context of being in the now (bliss) as you strive towards achieving your goals (which takes discipline). With blissipline you no longer pursue your goals with grim determination or use fear to motivate you. Instead, there is a joyous energy behind everything you do. You are in the now, and the steps towards your goal are a blissful journey rather than a means to an end.”
So, putting it in simple words: Blissipline happens when you dedicate yourself to achieve a goal, but enjoy the whole process. Blissipline does not focus on the final step to reach your dreams, but on the whole path itself. Quoting Allan Watts, Blissipline can be understood as something playful… something light, in which every moment is just as relevant (or even more) than the very final part of the process… Blissipline is like music: You don’t listen to song aiming for it to end, but for the pleasure you have in every second it is playing. Sometimes you even repeat it, just for the joy of starting all over again!

Blissipline is Flow!

And, even though you may think this is unfocused and seems more like a “peace and love” theory, it may be the key to achieving a life of true success, and true happiness. Take a look at this image below, which represents this idea quite well:

                                                                                                                                              from http://positivewriter.com/writing-discipline/
We could say the clothes and the chair are representing success, while the posture and smile clearly refer to the happiness of such moment.
Learning about Blissipline is not difficult. The idea is simple, the message is clear. BUT, bringing it to your life requires some trickier actions. The most important of these actions is connected to honesty. More precisely, to being honest to yourself. If you are to feel happy and joyous about something, it must be aligned with who you are, with who you want to be.
Secondly, stop trying to be in control of everything. The only constant in life is change. Both people and things are transient, and trying to control them means you don’t want them to change… you want them to be the same. But, it will never happen.
Things will continue changing, people will do the same… they will come and go from your life… Accepting the impermanence of life is an important step towards a more Blissiplined life, too.
And, the last thing I could mention to bring Blissipline into your life is Flow. Not Flow, the English course I work at… no….
I am talking about Flow, a state of mind and spirit which focuses mostly on the Present, on the NOW. There’s no point in living in the Past, right? If there’s something important about your Past, explore it in your memories, learn everything you can with it, but remember…. come back, and use this in the Present. Also, don’t get too worried about the Future. We are living the here and now, and worrying about the Future means you don’t believe you are doing your best today. If you cherish the Present… if you really put your life in this transient moment we live in… if you do it, then I’m sure your Future will bring positive outcomes. Negative things are part of life, we can’t escape them. But, they, too, are transient, and shouldn’t stop us from living our Flow!
According to Jason C. Brown, there are 11 pillars of Blissipline. My version was a little shorter, with three important changes in our lives to achieve it. Take a look below to check his pillars:

So… Are you ready to live a life of Flow? To explore life to its fullest? To open up and embrace the transient beauty of now?
Welcome aboard! We are Flow, and we are here to help you.
Check our Magazine on Flipboard about Body, Mind, and Flow: https://flipboard.com/@flowpage/body%2C-mind%2C-and-flow-c6v4agalz
And if you want more info about Blissipline, Flow, and other similar stuff, don’t forget to check these links below:



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