
Showing posts from 2016

Você come ou veste uma marca ?! Ou talvez os dois ?!!? Do you wear or eat a Brand ? Or perhaps... both!

O FIM DE UMA ERA!!! - End of an era as Blackberry stops making phones

End of an era as Blackberry stops making phones First of all I remember being in a computer meeting of friends back on 2002 and this guy suddenly pulls up this device and turns on the TV and the STEREO with it as it was his remote control!!! But in fact was a PAGER!!! If recall right it was the PAGER 900 one of the first BLACKBERRIES and I GOT ASTONISHED! Woooww oh my god i want one of these!!! But it happened the owner was a very fancy playboy and had lots of money to spare.. And I didnt... So It only got in my dreams, to one day be able to turn on my stereo with a Pager!! How cool it would be!!! If we could only see the future right ? I thought back than that maybe i would never have one of those... Years later I entered the INTERNATIONAL TRADE BUSINESS, and its Funny, Because I vividly remember, as if it was today, the first time I saw this business man holding a Blackberry... I think this was way back in 2004, and the era of the smartphones w...

ED SHEERAN Photograph lyrics

ED SHEERAN Photograph lyrics Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes But it's the only thing that I know When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes It's the only thing that makes us feel alive We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Our hearts were never broken And time's forever frozen, still So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me close until our eyes meet You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul And it's the only thing that I know I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of ya And it's the only thing to take with us when we die We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Our hearts were never broken And time's forever frozen, still So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me close until our eyes m...

China desaloja 9.000 pessoas em megaprojeto para procurar extraterrestres China desaloja 9.000 pessoas em megaprojeto para procurar extraterrestres O país asiático constrói o maior radiotelescópio do mundo e planeja tê-lo pronto em setembro Otros Guardar Enviar a notícia por email Imprimir NUÑO DOMÍNGUEZ Twitter 17 FEV 2016 - 13:48 CET Neste momento, em uma região montanhosa e remota no sudoeste da  China , encontram-se em curso os últimos passos da construção da maior antena do mundo, para captar sinais de vida  extraterrestre . O telescópio FAST terá um disco de recepção de 500 metros concebido para captar sinais de rádio emitidos a milhões de anos-luz da Terra. Trata-se de um dos elementos simbólicos mais avançados do programa científico e espacial do país asiático e que foi construído em tempo recorde, pois começou a ser erguido em 2011 —e o Governo planeja tê-lo pronto em setembro deste ano. Para garantir que o FAST não ...

The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made

The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made T here was a time in my life when I played quite a bit of basketball. I was leading engineering at a start-up in Scottsdale, AZ, my wife was doing her residency, and we didn’t have kids yet. Other than work, I had plenty of time and I filled it with basketball. I would typically play three to four mornings, in one or two leagues in the evenings, and do shooting drills for fun on the weekends. I started a team in one of those leagues and recruited a few players I knew to play. None of us were unusually skilled, just a few working professionals who happened to like basketball and got along amazingly well. As is typical with new teams, we weren’t very good in the beginning. We were all decent players in our own right, but we didn’t gel as a team yet and it showed in the early games. By the end of the first season there were glimpses of what we could be, though we didn’t make the playoffs. By the end of the second season, when we lost in the championshi...