8 Livros que todo lider deveria ler!

8 Terrific Leadership Books That Every Leader Must Read To Step Up Their Game

Originally published at www.lmt-lss.com.

1. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

by Daniel H. Pink
If you think success depends on rewards, this book will prove you wrong. Daniel argues that the concept of incentive-based system for motivation is now old-school. Many incidents (such as the success of Wikipedia) prove that the true secret of fulfillment at work, school, and home is intrinsic drive — not extrinsic rewards. Which means we perform well not because of our promotion at work, but because we love the work itself — a breakthrough idea on success and motivation.

2. Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader

by Herminia Ibarra
Small changes in life can bring big, unexpected results. Through this book, Ibarra sets up a foundation of leadership that involves redefining our everyday work life. What kind of work is important? How should you invest your time? Why and which relationships matter in informing and supporting your leadership, and ultimately, who you want to become? By asking such thought-provoking questions, the book delves deeper into the concept of work to make us better leaders.

3. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.
If you can’t persuade someone on an idea, you can’t progress in life. Whether it’s running a business or motivating a team, you’re always influencing someone with your ideas and selling something even when you don’t know it. Did you know that there are simple hacks to do that like a pro? In this book, Robert explains the entire psychology behind why people say yes and how to make them say it to satisfy your interests.

4. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

by Malcolm Gladwell
That unexpected moment when your idea tips over and spreads like wildfire is the tipping point of your life. In this book, Malcolm explores various scenarios where the surpassing of thresholds in social behaviour created a big life-changing impact. Especially in an age when people spend a lot on branding and marketing products, this book is key in understanding the reasons behind the rise and fall of some of the best-known ideas.

5. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

by Daniel Goleman
It’s great if your IQ is high. But if you have a poor EQ, you’ve got something to worry about. According to Daniel, success is a balance between two minds — the rational mind and the emotional mind. These two minds shape our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. The book, as a result, gives us an entirely new way to approach the idea of intelligence.

6. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

by Brené Brown
What comes to your mind when you think of a courageous person? Probably someone with strength, confidence and authority. But here in this book, you’ll see courage in a new light. Brene Brown says that true courage comes from your willingness to be vulnerable. She says vulnerability is the bedrock of our fear, grief, disappointment, love, empathy, joy — basically, it’s the core of who we truly are. That’s why being vulnerable can be so powerful. She writes, “When we shut ourselves off from vulnerability, we distance ourselves from the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives.”

7. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t

by Jim Collins
This book explores the march of not-so-great companies towards greatness. Thanks to well-founded research on leadership and on the success of companies, we learn a lot about what Collins calls “Level 5 Leadership” — the kind of leadership that changed the face of modern business. To get practical, research-backed concepts and tools on leadership, get your hands on this book.

8. The Power of Intention

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
If you start working without intention, you’re likely to lose your direction in no time. Intention is the guiding light which helps you find your way through a sea of doubt and setbacks. It’s a propelling life force that comes from within, and on which our whole life depends. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says intention is an energy in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place — the act that helps us create our world our way.

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