The subtle art of (not) understanding Gen Z
The subtle art of (not) understanding Gen Z Cayetana Hurtado Follow Sep 1, 2019 · 19 min read Captured by Hugh Scott and Christopher Simmonds for Gucci’s eyewear advertising campaign. As a kid I used to like summer homework — did I really? Well, I like to think of my young me as a disciplined student with perfect calligraphy after a long summer of practice. Some habits can’t be lost and, this summer around, I spent some time trying to better understand Gen Z. ‘Gen What?’ iGen, Tech Gen, Digital Natives, True Gen, Post-Millenials, Memelords, LitGen, Memennials, Generation Snap, the Hopeful Generation, the Anxious Generation, Generation Fix-It, the Cleaner-Uppers, the Last Generation, the Final Generation… You name it. The Sisu Generation [1] might be one of my faves, but let’s stick to Gen Z. Gen Z refers to the people born from 1995 to 2010 . I’ve always thought that trying to give common characteristics to a bunch of very different people born in a pa...