
Showing posts from February, 2016

China desaloja 9.000 pessoas em megaprojeto para procurar extraterrestres China desaloja 9.000 pessoas em megaprojeto para procurar extraterrestres O país asiático constrói o maior radiotelescópio do mundo e planeja tê-lo pronto em setembro Otros Guardar Enviar a notícia por email Imprimir NUÑO DOMÍNGUEZ Twitter 17 FEV 2016 - 13:48 CET Neste momento, em uma região montanhosa e remota no sudoeste da  China , encontram-se em curso os últimos passos da construção da maior antena do mundo, para captar sinais de vida  extraterrestre . O telescópio FAST terá um disco de recepção de 500 metros concebido para captar sinais de rádio emitidos a milhões de anos-luz da Terra. Trata-se de um dos elementos simbólicos mais avançados do programa científico e espacial do país asiático e que foi construído em tempo recorde, pois começou a ser erguido em 2011 —e o Governo planeja tê-lo pronto em setembro deste ano. Para garantir que o FAST não ...

The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made

The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made T here was a time in my life when I played quite a bit of basketball. I was leading engineering at a start-up in Scottsdale, AZ, my wife was doing her residency, and we didn’t have kids yet. Other than work, I had plenty of time and I filled it with basketball. I would typically play three to four mornings, in one or two leagues in the evenings, and do shooting drills for fun on the weekends. I started a team in one of those leagues and recruited a few players I knew to play. None of us were unusually skilled, just a few working professionals who happened to like basketball and got along amazingly well. As is typical with new teams, we weren’t very good in the beginning. We were all decent players in our own right, but we didn’t gel as a team yet and it showed in the early games. By the end of the first season there were glimpses of what we could be, though we didn’t make the playoffs. By the end of the second season, when we lost in the championshi...

The Strange Business Strategy This Company Used to Raise $86 Million

The Strange Business Strategy This Company Used to Raise $86 Million Quite often, the most brilliant ideas are hiding in  plain sight , just waiting for an enterprising entrepreneur to push them to fruition. However, simply having that great idea is no guarantee of success. In fact,  90% of startups  will fail . Among the  top reasons businesses don’t make it  that they expand too fast. Doing too many things at once or trying to be everything to everyone can lead to the demise of an otherwise  successful business . But you don’t just want to know what you might be doing wrong. There’s much to be learned from successful businesses, as well. One of those inspirational success stories is that of  Stance . Although they’ve been in business six years, chances are you haven’t heard of them. No, they’re not a household name, but I can give you $86 million good reasons to sit up and take notice of their  unusual — and incredibly success...

BrainstBorming Does Not Work

BrainSt orming Does Not Work Why people who brainstorm are wasting their time. Brainstorming was invented by advertising executive Alex Osborn in 1939 and first published in 1942 in his book  How to Think Up . This is a typical description, from James Manktelow, founder and CEO of MindTools, a company that promotes brainstorming as a way to “develop creative solutions to business problems”: Brainstorming is often used in a business setting to encourage teams to come up with original ideas. It’s a freewheeling meeting format, in which the leader sets out the problem that needs to be solved. Participants then suggest ideas for solving the problem, and build on ideas suggested by others. A firm rule is that ideas must not be criticized — they can be completely wacky and way out. This frees people up to explore ideas creatively and break out of established thinking patterns. As well as generating some great solutions to specific problems, brainstorming can be a lot of fun. Osborn cla...

Quando o inimigo trabalha ao lado

Quando o inimigo trabalha ao lado Saiba identificar dez sinais de que seu colega de empresa odeia você Comp.  (66) Pinar  (0) Comp.  (8) Comp. Tuítar Assine já! JOHN KRASINSKI COMO JIM HALPERT E RAINN WILSON COMO DWIGHT SCHRUTE, 'INIMIGOS' NO SERIADO 'THE OFFICE' (FOTO: GETTY IMAGES) Um dos grandes desafios da vida em sociedade é a convivência no trabalho. Além de importante para a empresa, uma relação sadia entre colegas de serviço ajuda a amenizar o peso da jornada de trabalho, tornando o dia a dia muito mais leve. Porém, existem momentos em que é difícil identificar se a pessoa da mesa ao lado de fato gosta de você ou se tudo não passa de encenação.   Em matéria publicada no  site  Business Insider ,  a especialista em ambiente de trabalho Lynn Taylor alertou para esse tipo de relação, pois, mesmo não gostando de você, um colega de trabalho vai evitar ao máximo demonstrar seu desdém para não causar probl...