
Showing posts from January, 2012

Interessante Deuteronômio 28:1-14 1 - E SERÁ que, se ouvires a voz do SENHOR teu Deus, tendo cuidado de guardar todos os seus mandamentos que eu hoje te ordeno, o SENHOR teu Deus te exaltará sobre todas as nações da terra. 2 - E todas estas bênçãos virão sobre ti e te alcançarão, quando ouvires a voz do SENHOR teu Deus; 3 - Bendito serás na cidade, e bendito serás no campo. 4 - Bendito o fruto do teu ventre, e o fruto da tua terra, e o fruto dos teus animais; e as crias das tuas vacas e das tuas ovelhas. 5 - Bendito o teu cesto e a tua amassadeira. 6 - Bendito serás ao entrares, e bendito serás ao saíres. 7 - O SENHOR entregará, feridos diante de ti, os teus inimigos, que se levantarem contra ti; por um caminho sairão contra ti, mas por sete caminhos fugirão da tua presença. 8 - O SENHOR mandará que a bênção esteja contigo nos teus celeiros, e em tudo o que puseres a tua mão; e te abençoará na terra que te der o SENHOR teu Deus. 9 - O SENHOR te con...

Why Brazil is the 6th largest economy in the world

Why Brazil is the 6th largest economy in the world 29.12.2011   Economist and Lecturer Welinton Santos With a heated domestic market, the increased real purchasing power of Brazilians, improvement programs, income support and families with high economic vulnerability, taking millions of Brazilians out of poverty and the enjoying contribution of more than 31 million Brazilians who in last decade joined the middle class, the country has celebrated 19 new millionaires per day since 2007 with projections to continue until 2014, according to a report published by Forbes, and Brazil currently has 137,000 millionaires and 30 billionaires. The Brazilian economic phenomenon brought surprises to the international economy in 2003, when Goldman Sachs predicted that Brazil would surpass Italy in 2025, and France and leave behind only the United Kingdom in 2035. The reality has changed with the international economic crisis that began in 2008, came to Italy in 2010, the United Kingdom in 2011, Fr...


      Foto de 2002 mostra Kim Schmitz (de boné), também conhecido por Dotcom, chegando em Munique, na Alemanha, país em que nasceu Foto: AFP Comentar 105 As ações que culminaram no fechamento do site de compartilhamento de conteúdo Megaupload foram bastante duras. Mandados de busca foram executados em outros oito países além da Nova Zelândia à pedido do FBI, polícia federal americana. De acordo com o detetive inspetor Grant Wormald, na Nova Zelândia, a polícia se deparou com um forte esquema de segurança segundo informações do site da região 3 News . Além de um guarda-costas, a polícia encontrou pela frente duas espingardas. "Não foi o caso de bater na porta", disse ele. Uma equipe de mais de 70 agentes neozelandeses inspecionou nesta sexta-feira a mansão de US$ 30 milhões onde Schmitz morava em Auckland com sua família e outros nove imóveis na mesma cidade Em uma de suas propriedades, a mansão milionária Chrisco, foram encontrados US$ 10 milhões - incluindo tí...

A Miracle Nutrient for the Brain

By Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., CNS Ask any baby boomer for his top five health concerns, and one of them is sure to be preserving his memory. At our age, it's easy to start forgetting things, and easier still to worry that those common "senior moments" are the beginning of something more serious. But there are things you can do to power up your brain. And one of those things is as easy as taking a supplement. Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) is in the class of biochemicals known as phospholipids, which are critical for the health of your cell membranes. It's also available as a powerful supplement that has been extensively researched for its effect on mental performance, attention, concentration, and memory formation. It's found in abundant quantities in mother's milk - which tells us something about how important it is. But there are only tiny amounts in food. In one study, researchers gave volunteers either GPC or a placebo over the course of about 10 days. Volunteers ...

How to Become a Chicken Entrepreneur

"Entrepreneurs are risk takers, willing to roll the dice with their money or reputation on the line in support of an idea or enterprise. They willingly assume responsibility for the success or failure of a venture and are answerable for all its facets." -Victor Kiam How to Become a Chicken Entrepreneur By Michael Masterson I firmly believe that one of the best (or possibly the best) ways of growing wealthy is to start your own business. And while I'm all for taking on a limited amount of risk, I'm not about to recommend that you jump ship in the hopes that you can build a raft while struggling to stay afloat. That's where my principle of "chicken entrepreneurship" comes in. Chicken entrepreneurship figures heavily in my latest book, Seven Years to Seven Figures . It has certainly helped many of my friends and colleagues build seven-figure incomes. But that doesn't explain the concept. A reporter for CNNMoney who recently reviewed my book Automat...

Do You Own Your Business -- or Does It Own You?

  Hal looked tired. He had been working almost nonstop for a month, running between his office in Honduras, his jobs in Central America, and his second home in Canada. Tonight, he was in Delray Beach, Florida, and was talking to me about a development project in Nicaragua. "You shouldn't be working this hard," I told him. He agreed. But he'd been putting in these kinds of hours for more than 20 years. His business was getting bigger every year, yet he wasn't looking any better for it. We talked about the project. He showed me his plans. Hal is a very talented designer. He is in great demand in Central America, where his colorful, creative Caribbean-flavored designs have been very successful. And Hal is an impressive guy -- bright, articulate, accomplished. What I most admire about him is that he changed his career about 20 years ago and started a business doing something he loved. He didn't have any preparation or education that would make it easy for him. H...

How Persistent are You

By:   CoachManny “Most failure is simply due to the fact that we take the line of least persistence' – Norman Vincent Peale How quickly do you give up and settle? “Refuse to settle for anything less than everything God has for you” - Joyce Meyer How quickly do you give up and settle? “Keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going maybe, a lesson I needed to learn before I could succeed at anything.” R.U. Darby How quickly do you give up and settle? Three simple points I want to talk about today as we move you to be more and more and more persistent so you can achieve greater and greater and greater success. So you can reach outstanding. 1. Taking the line of least persistence. Let someone else have that road. Give it away. It is not the road that you are going down. Make up your mind from the start, that you are going to make it happen. You are going to take the line of greatest resistance and you are going to win. Period. When you take the line of greatest resistance...